
Slightly different from the asynchronous ideas on this feature is based on the Generator as a whole.

Let's take a look at its interface.

  * @return SplQueue|null
  * This function returns the task queue.
 public static function getTaskQueue(): ?SplQueue;

  * @param mixed ...$coroutines
  * @return void
  * This is a blocking function that runs all the coroutines passed to it.
 public static function runNonBlocking(mixed ...$coroutines): void;

  * @param mixed ...$coroutines
  * @return void
  * This is a blocking function that runs all the coroutines passed to it.
 public static function runBlocking(mixed ...$coroutines): void;

  * @param callable $callback
  * @param int $times
  * @return Closure
  * This is a generator that runs a callback function a specified amount of times.
 public static function repeat(callable $callback, int $times): Closure;

  * @param int $milliseconds
  * @return Generator
  * This is a generator that yields for a specified amount of milliseconds.
 public static function delay(int $milliseconds): Generator;

  * @return void
  * This function runs the task queue.
 public static function run(): void;

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