
Let's take a quick look at its interface:

 * @throws Throwable
 * This function is used to run the event loop with multiple event loops
public static function runEventLoop() : void;

 * @throws Throwable
 * This function is used to run the event loop with single event loop
public static function runSingleEventLoop() : void;

 * This function is used to run a callback in the event loop with timeout
public static function setTimeout(callable $callback, int $timeout) : SampleMacro;

 * This function is used to clear the timeout
public static function clearTimeout(SampleMacro $sampleMacro) : void;

 * This function is used to run a callback in the event loop with interval
public static function setInterval(callable $callback, int $interval) : SampleMacro;

 * This function is used to clear the interval
public static function clearInterval(SampleMacro $sampleMacro) : void;

 * @param string $url
 * @param array<string|null, string|array> $options
 * @return Promise when Promise resolve InternetRequestResult and when Promise reject Error
 * @throws Throwable
 * @phpstan-param array{method?: string, headers?: array<int, string>, timeout?: int, body?: array<string, string>} $options
public static function fetch(string $url, array $options = []) : Promise;

 * @param string ...$curls
 * @return Promise
 * @throws Throwable
 * Use this to curl multiple addresses at once
public static function fetchAll(string ...$curls) : Promise;

 * @throws Throwable
 * This is a function used only to retrieve results from an address or file path via the file_get_contents method
public static function read(string $path) : Promise;

 * @param string $name
 * @return void
 * This function is used to start a timer
public static function time(string $name = 'Console') : void;

 * @param string $name
 * @return void
 * This function is used to end a timer
public static function timeEnd(string $name = 'Console') : void;

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