Green Thread

First of all, these are called Green Threads because they operate in the main thread and allow you to have control over them without blocking the program.

Let's take a look at its interface.

 * @param string|int $name
 * @param callable $callback
 * @param array<int, mixed> $params
 * This method is used to register a green thread.
public static function register(string|int $name, callable $callback, array $params): void;

 * @throws Throwable
public static function run(): void;

 * This method is used to clear the data of the green threads.
public static function clear(): void;

 * @return array<int, string|int>
 * This method is used to get the names of the green threads.
public static function getNames(): array;

 * @return array<int, Fiber>
 * This method is used to get the fibers of the green threads.
public static function getFibers(): array;

 * @return array<int, array<int, mixed>>
 * This method is used to get the params of the green threads.
public static function getParams(): array;

 * @return array<string|int, mixed>
 * This method is used to get the outputs of the green threads.
public static function getOutputs(): array;

 * @param string|int $name
 * @return mixed
 * This method is used to get the output of a green thread.
public static function getOutput(string|int $name): mixed;

 * @throws Throwable
public static function sleep(string $name, int $seconds): void;

 * @param string|int $name
 * @return StatusThread|null
 * This method is used to get the status of a green thread.
public static function getStatus(string|int $name): StatusThread|null;

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